The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

My second coming

My second coming

Well I’ve decided I’m not going quietly. I have every intention of making the most of every day I have remaining and create a brilliant second coming. In fact my second coming is going to the best years I have ever had the luck to experience. I am 52 years young, and ...
The Proudest Day of My Life

The Proudest Day of My Life

There are moments in our life when we see a glorious star shine through brightly on our path. Today was definitely one of the proudest days of my life when a true star, my daughter Laura Jayne deservedly enjoyed the love and attention of her family to celebrate her most remarkable ...
It’s Time to Stop Grieving

It’s Time to Stop Grieving

Whenever someone is affected by a major disaster there is an emotional reaction that you will go through. I can pretty much tell you that everyone goes through the same stages of emotion. I know I did, and later on I was able to come to the understanding that I had ...
How to Build Your Self Image

How to Build Your Self Image

One of the most important human traits leading to success and happiness is having a positive self image. The real judge of our success over the whole of our life’s journey is how much we still value ourselves if we lose everything, our home, possessions, money, marriage, if we were stripped ...
Electronic Cigarettes an Alternative to Smoking

Electronic Cigarettes an Alternative to Smoking

Electronic cigarettes usage is growing rapidly across the world. In the UK alone it is thought that over two million people are now using them. But what exactly are electronic cigarettes? They are battery powered devices which heat a water-based e-liquid inside the device until it reaches the correct temperature to vapourise. ...
Turn Things Around

Turn Things Around

I’m coaching somebody at the moment who has had his life thrown into turmoil by recent events. The circumstances of what happened aren’t important, but the consequences are. He finds himself barely surviving, money or the lack of it is causing him great stress and he is battling on many fronts. He ...
Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

A key to success and happiness is to believe in yourself. On my journey I have had an unwavering belief in myself. I have never doubted that I was destined to be a great success in life. I strongly believed that everything that ever happened to me was part of a ...
Learn from Life Lessons

Learn from Life Lessons

All experiences can serve as life lessons provided we learn from the information and invest its value in our own lives. I have come to realise that those of us who fail should find a way to teach others from our experiences because we have much to teach from the life lessons ...
Power Your Future

Power Your Future

Power your future by having a big dream driving you every day into taking action. This will provide you with an amazing force to make things right in your life. The thought of ‘what can be’ has the ability to drive us to do all that we can do to make it ...
Free Life Coaching

Free Life Coaching

One of the things we should all be doing everyday is trying to make our life better and those of others, and that is why I am soon launching a way to provide free life coaching. I know the most important thing any human being can do for themselves is invest in ...