Archives by: Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Top Tips To Get A Good Night Sleep

Top Tips To Get A Good Night Sleep

Here’s my top tips to get a good night sleep. I want you to spend less time tossing and turning, and more time getting truly restful sleep. How often would you say you are getting a good night sleep? Not often is alas the most common answer I hear from my readers. ...
A Life Lesson: How I Made ​My Biggest Mistake in the Year 2014

A Life Lesson: How I Made ​My Biggest Mistake in the Year 2014

Did you set goals in this year just gone? If yes, maybe your life has now changed dramatically as you enter this new year. But if no, maybe nothing has changed, or worse still things have declined even more. I know goals and having a plan of action to achieve them changes everything ...
Having Trouble Getting A Good Night Sleep, Read This…

Having Trouble Getting A Good Night Sleep, Read This…

If you have trouble getting a good night sleep read this. My goal in this post is to walk you through improving the sleep that you get to the point where you are getting a good sound night sleep fully charging you up physically and mentally. I want you to spend ...
Being Healthy Isn’t Just About Looking After Your Body, You Need To Do This As Well..

Being Healthy Isn’t Just About Looking After Your Body, You Need To Do This As Well..

Being healthy isn't just about looking after your body, you need to look after a lot more areas of your lifestyle than just your physical body. Today we're going to take a look at some areas you may have neglected over the years and how you can make a start in ...
The 5 Most Important Healthy Lifestyle Habits

The 5 Most Important Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Do you know the 5 most important healthy lifestyle habits which can change your life? There can be very few questions more important to answer then 'how healthy is your lifestyle?' Is your lifestyle making you ill? Is the way you live supporting your physical, mental, and emotional health, or are ...
Reclaim Your Health Now

Reclaim Your Health Now

As we get older it gets harder to retain good health, and even harder for those of you trying to reclaim your health after a period of illness. Those of you suffering with some long term illness are desperate to reclaim your health, and to this end you need to be ...
Sitting On Your Arse Could Be Killing You | You Need To Be Doing Physical Activity

Sitting On Your Arse Could Be Killing You | You Need To Be Doing Physical Activity

What if i was to tell you sitting on your arse could be killing you. From a recent study just taken about the health risks involved in leading a sedentary lifestyle, next time you sit down to watch TV all night you might want to rethink your nightly activities... How much time ...
10 Simple Ways To Regain Good Health

10 Simple Ways To Regain Good Health

Today I'm going to provide you with 10 simple ways to regain good health. Are you ready to regain good Health and make it a priority? Maybe you’ve been thinking about being more active and trying to cut back on less healthy foods? It seems everybody spends time turning to the Internet to search for ...
The Warrior Diet – The Ultimate Weight Loss Fast

The Warrior Diet – The Ultimate Weight Loss Fast

Today I am introducing you to the warrior diet, a kick ass three week plan to lose weight. Shout out to you old folk out there. Yes you … midlifers, baby boomers or whatever category you feel you fit into. Do you want to lose weight? Has your current diet plan ...
Is A No Breakfast Regime Actually Better For Your Health?

Is A No Breakfast Regime Actually Better For Your Health?

In today’s article I will introduce you to the idea of implementing a no breakfast regime into your lifestyle and if this approach is actually better for your health. For many years as the owner of a chain of gyms and fitness instructor I preached the message that you must “Eat breakfast ...