Stress Relief

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

How to deal with stress

How to deal with stress

Finding things tough at work? Not got time to have a life, and your personal relationships are suffering? Is money’s tight and you’re struggling to pay the bills? Learning how to deal with stress is essential to healthy living. With the way modern living has to be there is an incredible problem being caused ...
Guided imagery | Success

Guided imagery | Success

Guided imagery can be used to help you become a success. Truly successful people  never rest. They are not superior to others but have an insatiable appetite to look for more and want more. They are always looking for the edge over their competitors. This can cause a great deal of stress and can ...
Stress Quiz

Stress Quiz

Take the Healthy Lifestyles Living stress quiz to see how stressed out you are. Too much stress makes you at best ineffective, and at worst physically ill. So how well do you cope with stress, and how stressed are you already? Find out with this short quiz. Simply choose the option ...
5 Good Ways To Relieve Stress

5 Good Ways To Relieve Stress

Many people don’t even know when they are feeling stressed because they are so used to it. Today I am forearming you with 5 good ways to relieve stress. I assure you leaving it to its own devices, letting it build up within you, is only going to do harm to ...
How Do You Know You’re Stressed

How Do You Know You’re Stressed

I spent yesterday afternoon around at my families home. I left, not for the first time, concerned about the health and wellbeing of my sister and father who care for my mother who suffers with various illnesses including dementia. As a personal development coach I know neither of them are getting the ...
What To Do When You Can’t Sleep

What To Do When You Can’t Sleep

Did you get a good night sleep? Or did you wake up feeling exhausted and fatigued, wondering if you even slept at all?  What do you do when you can't sleep? You already know that getting a good night's sleep entails a lot more than just climbing into bed and closing ...
Stop Stressing … I said STOP!

Stop Stressing … I said STOP!

So when you wake up in the morning do you immediately take charge of your thoughts, or do you just wake up, open your eyes, see the time on the alarm clock, and then try to sleep a little longer? You have no desire to get out of bed, and your ...
Start to reduce your stress

Start to reduce your stress

‘Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life’ ~ Danzae Pace I Wrote A Book About Stress, Combat Stress The Healthy Lifestyle Way  offering practical advice on various techniques for reducing the ...
How Do You Know if You’re Stressed?

How Do You Know if You’re Stressed?

A mixture of long working hours, no breaks, not enough time to think of a sandwich, much less eat it, demanding families, personal commitments and other demands thrown in at random, do nothing for your health, wellbeing, nor your work life balance. Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. ...
Take a Step Back from your Thoughts

Take a Step Back from your Thoughts

I received a wonderful comment left on my blog by a lady named YogaSavy who writes a blog called ‘Live Laugh Breathe’. Just a short concise comment, but one which is so powerful yet simple. She said: ‘Stress is something we create. If we just stepped back and observe it then the ...