The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

A New Chapter In His Young Life

A New Chapter In His Young Life

A very important day has now arrived in the young life of Liam Wall. He begins a new chapter in life that sees him start secondary school. Here is a young man, eleven years old, who to this point has excelled in his academic education and with his sporting prowess. His ...
How do you want to be remembered when you’re gone?

How do you want to be remembered when you’re gone?

The last few Sundays have seen me giving my respects at the graves of some very special people. Last weekend it was my mother who passed away back in February, and then this weekend it was to pay my respects for Rachel’s Grand Mother and Grand Father as well as her ...
Calculate Your Basic Weight And Measurements

Calculate Your Basic Weight And Measurements

Apologies - our weights & measurements tool is currently being upgraded to work with our new website theme so we've included the manual way to calculate these measurements. The tool will be back online soon. Thank you for your patience. Your first step to find out if you are at a healthy ...
The Turning Point for My Daughter

The Turning Point for My Daughter

As we live our lives, we experience both positive and negative events. Some of these experiences will have a major impact on our lives and our futures, while others will not. Some of these experiences may completely change the direction of our lives and be seen as a turning point. Today was ...
Are You Worried About Dementia

Are You Worried About Dementia

If like me, you're in the over 50+ age bracket then a question I would like to ask is are you worried about dementia? We've all heard about dementia but are we overlooking the symptoms and do we have that 'it will never happen to me' attitude when it comes to ...
Sharing Your Story

Sharing Your Story

One of the most important lessons I've learned on my life journey is that failure will often be a  predecessor to ultimate success. There are countless success stories where success has been created out of the ashes of failure. Thomas Edison failed over 6,000 times before creating the first electrical lightbulb. Michael Jordan ...

Top Five Amazing Benefits of Walking

In order to become more active and increase your fitness along the way, it is not compulsory to join a gym and become a slave to the routine. Indeed, for most casual exercisers, becoming a member of a gym can seem a little intimidating. As with most things in life, the ...
Follow your Bliss

Follow your Bliss

How many people do you know who are just not happy or content in their lives? You know the ones, those who are never cheerful, always complaining about life and about people. They talk of life being hard, that life is not a picnic, that you have to struggle and do ...
Life leaves Clues

Life leaves Clues

When you realise it’s important for you to discover your life purpose the good news is that life leaves clues. Yet the question ‘what do you really want to do with your life’ often seems to be as unanswerable as the question ‘what comes first, the chicken or the egg?’ Several years ...
My second coming

My second coming

Well I’ve decided I’m not going quietly. I have every intention of making the most of every day I have remaining and create a brilliant second coming. In fact my second coming is going to the best years I have ever had the luck to experience. I am 52 years young, and ...