The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

What To Do When You Can't Sleep

What To Do When You Can't Sleep

Did you get a good night sleep? Or did you wake up feeling exhausted and fatigued, wondering if you even slept at all?  What do you do when you can't sleep? You already know that getting a good night's sleep entails a lot more than just climbing into bed and closing ...
Personal Growth

Personal Growth

As personal growth coach, one of my chief responsibilities is to get people to spend time thinking about and believing about their future. Yes, we must live in the here and now, but it’s critical to also plan for a secure and happy future. And during this time period, with January ...
This Week’s Articles

This Week’s Articles

Please find a summary of articles published this week on Healthy Lifestyles Living Blog. Monday 12th December          Healthy Lifestyle Living Description: Taking control of your life or a particular part of your life where you want to make an impact, and living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard. It just takes ...
Healthy Lifestyle Living and Personal Development

Healthy Lifestyle Living and Personal Development

The mission of Healthy Lifestyle Blog is to inspire individuals to incorporate healthy lifestyle living and personal development techniques in everyday life. You will find I am passionate about healthy lifestyle living and personal development. Throughout the course of my life, I have collected a large resource of healthy lifestyle and personal ...
Helping Others on the Road to Success

Helping Others on the Road to Success

Hello, blog readers!  To you my Facebook friends I sincerely apologize for my long absence and inactivity, but things have been hectic in my online business world. My attention has had to be focused elsewhere, but know I have missed the interaction and enjoyment of reading your blogs. I really truly ...
The Time Is Now!

The Time Is Now!

What are you waiting for? Isn't it time you took your life to the next level? Well the time is now! There's no time like the present - as the saying goes, and that's so very true. If not now, then when?  Are you going to just keep waiting for that perfect ...
A Good Low Gi Diet Plan

A Good Low Gi Diet Plan

So, you’ve tried every diet known to man, you’ve had some success losing weight but watched yourself put it all back on again. You feel overweight, unfit, unattractive and frankly despondent. You are not alone. Over a third of the UK population is on a diet at any one time. Why? ...
Healthy Lifestyle Living

Healthy Lifestyle Living

Through this Healthy Lifestyles Living blog I focus on strategies and techniques for your personal growth and self improvement. This is a place that I've developed so you can read, explore, and find excellent personal growth and healthy lifestyle resources. Each article will bring you encouragement, techniques, and tips to enhance ...
This Week’s Articles

This Week’s Articles

Please find a summary of articles published this week on Healthy Lifestyles Living Blog. Monday 5th December         When Coping With Stress Isn’t A Bad Thing Description:  We often talk about coping with stress as being a bad thing. But at times stress is good for us. Have you ever noticed how productive you ...
Make Peace With Yourself

Make Peace With Yourself

‘You’re such an idiot’ ‘You always mess things up’ ‘You’ll never make anything from your life’. Who am I talking to here? I’m not; I’m saying the type of things many of you say to yourself day after day. “You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ” ...