The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

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Check Out The One Thing Diet Programs Don’t Address (With The Energy Formula) And Why They Don’t Work…

Check Out The One Thing Diet Programs Don’t Address (With The Energy Formula) And Why They Don’t Work…

So today I want to address a basic floor in all diet programs. There is one thing diet programs don’t address with regards to the energy formula and why they don’t work as a long term way to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. If you’re unfamiliar with the energy formula I’m ...
The Energy Formula You Need To Know To Be Able To Control Your Weight

The Energy Formula You Need To Know To Be Able To Control Your Weight

Today I want to talk about the energy formula you will need to know to be able to control your weight. I thought this formula was common knowledge, but I have come across a lot of people trying to lose weight over the years who had never heard of it before. ...
How to Stay Healthy And Happy As An Entrepreneur

How to Stay Healthy And Happy As An Entrepreneur

How do you stay healthy and happy as an entrepreneur? We all strive for success, of course we do. The lure of going out there on our own as an entrepreneur doing something never done before is the holy grail, but with it come dangers. Failure of course is not an option. ...
Keep Positive in Tough Times | Process of Grieving

Keep Positive in Tough Times | Process of Grieving

Sometimes life can really hit you hard and no matter how difficult things get its essential you keep positive in tough times. A good friend of mine has had to deal with the devastating loss of her step father and mother in less than a month. She feels that her life has ...
How To Manage High Blood Pressure With The DASH Diet

How To Manage High Blood Pressure With The DASH Diet

One misconception that forever bothers me is the belief that most chronic illnesses are irreversible, including high blood pressure. I get multiple emails every day asking me advice on how to manage High Blood Pressure. This resulted from 2 articles I wrote previously. In  “How to lower your blood pressure”  I wrote about how ...
The Definitive Guide To Plant-Based Eating

The Definitive Guide To Plant-Based Eating

This article provides the definitive guide to plant-based eating for anybody looking to get started on a diet that lowers the risk for chronic disease or for those of you looking for the diet that is best for long term good health. Even those of you already suffering with disease can ...
How To Manage Scoliosis

How To Manage Scoliosis

Today I want to provide a full guide to how to manage Scoliosis, a subject that I personally know a great deal about. Not as a gym instructor, although I do, but as somebody born with Scoliosis. Dam my back hurts. Not a surprise really. As I already have shared with you, I was ...
Living A Healthy Lifestyle Is Within Your Reach, Starting Today

Living A Healthy Lifestyle Is Within Your Reach, Starting Today

Living a Healthy Lifestyle is within your reach, starting today, by implementing a few easy steps. You’ve heard it all before: eat your fruit and veg, avoid fatty and sugar laden foods, drink lots of water, exercise regularly. But why the fuss? What’s important about living a healthy lifestyle and why ...
How Do You Make Time (That You Don’t Have) For Exercise?

How Do You Make Time (That You Don’t Have) For Exercise?

As an ex gym owner and fitness instructor, one of the popular questions I was asked was how do you make time for exercise? In today’s fast paced lifestyle how can you spare time that you don’t have to exercise? The answer is surprisingly simple and it’s something which I suggest you do starting from ...
How Many Meals A Day Should You Eat – And How Big Should Each Meal Be?

How Many Meals A Day Should You Eat – And How Big Should Each Meal Be?

How many meals a day should you eat in order to be healthy? And how big should each meal be? Today we answer this question. I’m a firm believer of eating regularly during the day, every two to three hours. I also recommend you give yourself a long period between finishing eating at the end ...