The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

How To Do An Intermittent Fasting Diet

How To Do An Intermittent Fasting Diet

I have been asked many times how to do an Intermittent Fasting Diet for Weight Loss and Improving your Health. An Intermittent fasting Diet is probably the easiest diet to understand and follow. Rather than reducing your caloric intake very much or cutting out certain food group, it simply restricts the hours ...
The Dangers Of Our Current Modern Diet

The Dangers Of Our Current Modern Diet

Let me straight away tell you that your current modern diet is probably making you ill. For three years I struggled greatly with my health. What I find absolutely ridiculous is that not one of the many doctors or consultants I was under ever told me about the dangers of our current ...
Clean Eating Is A Lifestyle Shift And Not A Diet.

Clean Eating Is A Lifestyle Shift And Not A Diet.

Everyone should try clean eating. For many of you, even a small lifestyle shift would make a huge difference to your life.  Here at Healthy Lifestyles Living we believe your health should be your top priority if you truly want to live a happy, balanced and high performing life. If it ...
Discover How to Take Control of Your Health

Discover How to Take Control of Your Health

Do you need to take control of your health? Today’s blog post is for anyone who feels run down most of the time, waking up most mornings feeling just not right and who want to take control of your health. Do you feel sick or run down more often than not? Do you have trouble ...
The 10 Worst Lifestyle Choices?

The 10 Worst Lifestyle Choices?

Today we are going to look at the 10 worst lifestyle choices many of you are probably making. Often, we are our own worst enemy when it comes to good health, we don't mean to be, often we are unaware of how bad some of our choices actually are. Making poor ...
Why You Have To Change Your Unhealthy Lifestyle

Why You Have To Change Your Unhealthy Lifestyle

It should be not be obvious why you have to change your unhealthy lifestyle but so many people I talk to about their health sometimes think they lead a reasonably healthy lifestyle. Small bad habits can quickly make a normally healthy lifestyle an unhealthy one. Make sure you're incorporating the following ...
11 Lifestyle Changes To Regain Your Health

11 Lifestyle Changes To Regain Your Health

This article is particularly relevant for anyone wanting to regain your health in 2019. I really hope you had a great Christmas and I would like to wish you a healthy and happy New Year! The year ahead is a blank canvas, so it's time to start painting the New You you'd like ...
This Is Why The Healthy Lifestyle Plan Is Easier Than Any Diet Program

This Is Why The Healthy Lifestyle Plan Is Easier Than Any Diet Program

This one simple fact is why the Healthy Lifestyle Plan is easier than any diet program. It has the word that everybody dreads when it comes to losing weight built right into the very core, but it is essential to living a healthy life. The word I am referring to of ...
How To Have That Cake And Eat It Too!

How To Have That Cake And Eat It Too!

We all want to have our cake and eat it too. To be able to enjoy something we know we shouldn’t have without suffering any consequences is something all of us wouldn’t say no to. When I owned my gyms, this is how I use to describe my healthy lifestyle plan program to my gym ...
If Diets Don’t Work, What’s The Solution To Losing And Then Managing Your Weight?

If Diets Don’t Work, What’s The Solution To Losing And Then Managing Your Weight?

In a recent blog post I had a mini-rant as to why diets don’t work and today I’m going to give you the framework to implement healthy habits into your daily routine. I’m talking about changes which you will use for the rest of your life, not just while you try ...