The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

The Benefits Of Living A Healthy Lifestyle

The Benefits Of Living A Healthy Lifestyle

Coming out of a period where I struggled with bad health it feels slightly strange to write an article about the benefits of living a healthy lifestyle. The reasons I find it strange is that the benefits of a healthy lifestyle should be obvious to everyone, aren’t they? Surely we all ...
9 Key Changes to Implement a Healthy Lifestyle  – Make This Your Healthiest Year Yet

9 Key Changes to Implement a Healthy Lifestyle  – Make This Your Healthiest Year Yet

As a life coach, it is common to come across people who wish to have better Health and it is common to start out with making a New Year’s resolution to make this your healthiest year yet. Maybe you have set a target similar for 2016? To have better health you need to ...
Kick Depression Out Of Your Life

Kick Depression Out Of Your Life

Do you feel depressed? Do you fear that depression is taking over your life? If you want to begin to feel better emotionally and start to ease yourself out of it, then keep on reading! I want to help you kick depression out of your life. No matter where you are on ...
The only question that matters – what will make you happy

The only question that matters – what will make you happy

By finding your answer to the question ‘what will make you happy?’ could go a long way to making life so much better for you. Are you someone who in recent days has sat at home with your mind seemingly racing all over the place but always coming back to the one ...
How to Get Through Tough Times

How to Get Through Tough Times

One of my greatest qualities as a life coach was having endured my own series of personal crises. For those who don't know part of my story I lived a great lifestyle, enjoying all the trappings of success when I was rudely awakened, literally, losing my glorious home, going through financial ...
A Personal Manifesto to supercharge your New Year

A Personal Manifesto to supercharge your New Year

Today I want to introduce you to a very important tool in your personal development armory called ‘a Personal Manifesto.’ It’s that special time of year again — a new year — where resolutions are set around the world by people wanting to make this the year they  fulfil their dreams. Yet now at the start of a ...
New Beginnings – The Best Is Yet To Come

New Beginnings – The Best Is Yet To Come

So you woke up this morning to find nothing’s changed. Me too. I woke up this morning the same person I was in 2015. Nothing magically changed at the stroke of midnight. Today is like any other day, nothing special, no difference.  Yet within you, deep inside, the seed of hope ...
Your Big Picture for your New Year

Your Big Picture for your New Year

Are you sick of not getting anywhere? One thing I think we can all testify to is how tough life can be? Yet surely there can be no question of whether we should fight on and try our hardest to produce the right results. What's our alternative? To wallow in despair, depression, self ...
Alone at Christmas

Alone at Christmas

My heart goes out to those who find themselves alone this Christmas. I know how emotionally traumatic this can be, having an incredibly debilitating effect on you. After all Christmas is a special time of the year, a time when we are meant to come together and celebrate with our nearest ...
Purposely follow the path to recovery

Purposely follow the path to recovery

Visual Impairment and other major health problems  do not mean that we must give up our dreams and our goals. I believe that when someone is dealing with the aftermath of ill health and its impact on their life it is essential that they purposely follow the path to recovery. Key to ...