Posts Tagged: Law of Attraction

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

The Game of Life

The Game of Life

One of the most important rules of life I’ve followed is that life is not a battle, it is a game! I learnt this many years ago through the wisdom of Florence Shinn in her book The Game Of Life & How To Play It. She teaches that life is a game ...
What is Passion to Profit?

What is Passion to Profit?

Today I want to elaborate and clarify what The Passion To Profit is all about and how the law of attraction is present as we roll out this amazing project. Larry Lewis likes to talk about working with a blank canvas and creating the infrastructure as we go. He deliberately leaves room for ...
How to remove negative programming guide.

How to remove negative programming guide.

How to remove negative programming guide. Hello this post is in response to one of my readers. They asked the question  about finding  out how to remove negative programming guide. Today I want to share the process that has worked for me. Remove negative programming guide step one. It begins with blocking out negativity ...
Five obstacles holding you back?

Five obstacles holding you back?

The top five obstacles holding you back. The top five obstacles holding you back  are more about your own personal growth. To have success you need to overcome the top five obstacles holding you back. Number one obstacle  of the five obstacles holding you back  is dwelling on the past.  If you are thinking about any past failings or obstacles then you ...
Power Of Passion Webinar | Subconscious mind

Power Of Passion Webinar | Subconscious mind

Power Of Passion Webinar | Subconscious mind Hello, last Saturday was a brilliant day at It was the day of our first free power of passion webinars. Larry Lewis' amazing generosity to make a positive difference for people who want to discover their passion and use it towards their building the life of ...
Detach negativity by living in the positive emotions.

Detach negativity by living in the positive emotions.

Detach negativity by living in the positive emotions. Detach negativity by living in the positive emotions. Living in the positive emotions helps you to have the right mindset  for success in your life. If you can detach negativity from yourself and stop buying into the negative drama around you then ...
Is your passion hard to find?

Is your passion hard to find?

Is your passion hard to find? This has to be a very silly question surely? I mean everybody knows what they like right? Strangely I have a hunch that the answer to is your passion hard to find question is not quite that simple. Why? Several reasons: Your insecurities and self doubt make it ...
Are you worthy to receive?

Are you worthy to receive?

Are you worthy to receive? Hello today we are going to explore and investigate how worthy you are to receive the life you have. I have been tutoring  a young dyslexic adult and he inspired me to write this post. Our discussion last night was not about his challenges with reading and writing. The discussion was more about what ...
Law of attraction and Larry Lewis

Law of attraction and Larry Lewis

Law of attraction and Larry Lewis Finding the right fit  As a primary school teacher who has worked with young children I am reminded of the story of the ugly duckling as I write this story. It actually all began after school teaching started to become a chore. You know the classic burn out factor. At the ...
The Power Of Passion Course How will it make a difference?

The Power Of Passion Course How will it make a difference?

The Power Of Passion Course How will it make a difference? Are you there? Now you are probably wondering what all the commotion is? The Power of Passion Course is virtually ready to be launched. Just another course you say. Yes there are many courses out there all asking for your credit card ...