
Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

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Sex … Sex …and More Sex … It’s Good for Your Health

Sex … Sex …and More Sex … It’s Good for Your Health

It was a slow night at The Bloggers Gym. Outside the rain poured, a typical night in the North of England. There were only a few guys working out, each keeping to themselves, completely in their own workout zone. The clanking of plates competed with the music coming out of the ...
Getting Back Into Summer Shape

Getting Back Into Summer Shape

To most people, understanding the principles of healthy lifestyle living is only slightly less confusing than understanding Einstein's theory of relativity. A new diet book or fitness article comes out weekly telling you the latest wonder method to achieve your results. Every time you read something new it tells you a ...
Music to Boost your Workout

Music to Boost your Workout

  I am a 48 year old male who works out 5 or 6 days a week. I weight train, do cardio, and circuit train. I never do this without my MP3 player. I’m one of those guys that likes to just totally immerse myself in music during my training sessions and ...
Active over 40 – It’s Not Too Late To Get Fit

Active over 40 – It’s Not Too Late To Get Fit

Alas a majority of people over 40 are not very physically fit. Most believe that exercise at their age is too hard, too unsafe, or that it's just too late for them to get started. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Just a small increase in your current activity ...
Get Active in the Morning

Get Active in the Morning

People in today’s supposedly fast paced world are actually becoming far less active. Not a lot of energy is used by your body when you use cars to travel everywhere you want to go; remote controls when for example you want to turn over the television; food processors when you are ...
Learn How To Be An Old Man In A Young, Fit, Healthy Body

Learn How To Be An Old Man In A Young, Fit, Healthy Body

 “We do not stop exercising because we grow old, we grow old because we stop exercising.” -Dr. Kenneth Cooper It’s never too late. Don’t use your age as an excuse for those aches and pains. Age is just a number. The saying goes “You’re only as old as you feel,”. Today you find ...
HIIT Training – Burn Away your Body Fat

HIIT Training – Burn Away your Body Fat

So January is here and many of you will once again have turned your attention to exercising. Many of you will have purchased home use cardiovascular equipment while others will be joining a gym. Well I really hope that you can stay committed, and that you will achieve those results you ...
Put Your Weight to Good Use

Put Your Weight to Good Use

So here we go — you are all set to storm into 2011 with great fitness resolutions. So what are your goals? Are your resolution to get fit? Lose weight? Feel more energetic? So you just can’t get into the Gym! You really have no time to workout! Between work, commuting, and ...
I Love Weight Training

I Love Weight Training

I love weight training, it’s one of those things that no matter how your day is going… it will always be there to give you the ultimate challenge… the one against yourself! Weight training is my passion. I still feel the thrill, the excitement of walking into the gym and seeing the ...
What to eat before and after exercise

What to eat before and after exercise

Whatever sporting activity you participate in, whether it's playing tennis, rugby, swimming , jogging or weight training, you need to eat as nutritious and as balanced a diet as you can, to fuel your body properly and resourcefully. Good nutrition has some simple basic ground rules, which when you follow them ...