Archives by: Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

What Makes You Tick?

What Makes You Tick?

Today I want you to think about what makes you tick. The thing that motivates you that keeps you going in life. It’s your driving force, what gets you up in the morning, keeps your enthusiasm throughout the day and you dream about it when you go to bed. My life is ...
Make The Big Choices

Make The Big Choices

So where has playing it safe got you? Do you have a life that you celebrate your successes every day or are you disappointed so far with the outcome of your life? On a daily basis we get to make choices, both big and small, and it is these that will determine how ...
Staying Committed To What’s Important

Staying Committed To What’s Important

Staying Committed To What’s Important Many people stop short of what they set out to do, losing track of what's important to them. Together my business partner and I have started, managed and grown a successful business and yet we constantly evolve because we have a picture in mind which we have not ...
Make What Most Matters to You Happen Every Day

Make What Most Matters to You Happen Every Day

What matters most to you? Every day something will happen that will remind you what matters most to you if you allow it to. How would things be different if you knew you had only a year left to live. That is a simple equation, you have  simply 365 days to make count.  If ...
8 Ways to get your health in order

8 Ways to get your health in order

Being healthier doesn't have to mean revamping your entire lifestyle. Sometimes all it takes is a few simple changes. As a 50 something blogger I know that as one ages their body tends to start deteriorating. So it is vital to look after your health and make it an essential priority in ...
Make the most of old age

Make the most of old age

For the past few days I have been looking after my aged Mum and Dad to give my sister a break and allow her to go to a party down in London. A deserved break for her. While I sit at their dining room table working on building my online business and ...
How to Improve Your Lifestyle

How to Improve Your Lifestyle

When many people decide to become healthier and more energetic they will often take on too much, too soon. They fill their heads with ‘shoulds’ and ‘musts’ which can only end in failure. In fact it seems that most people who try to improve their lifestyle find it one of the hardest ...
Transition to Adulthood

Transition to Adulthood

I don’t believe there is a more important time in our life than when we reach the age where we transition to adulthood. Everything changes, no longer are we limited in any way, and you have the world at your fingertips. If there was one thing I’ve constantly hoped for as a ...
How to Improve Your Life

How to Improve Your Life

One of my favourite books is written by Fiona Harold ‘Be Your Own Life Coach.’ I read this many years ago during my study’s at Northumbria University as I was taking my qualifications to become a Life Coach. One of the things we should be doing everyday is trying to make our ...
Staying connected

Staying connected

There’s a fine line between staying connected with others and constantly interfering in their lives. What’s important is to be able to regularly interact with those people that matter to us. It’s amazing in this day and age how technology enables us to stay connected with anyone we choose no matter where ...