Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?
Today I want to elaborate and clarify what The Passion To Profit is all about and how the law of attraction is present as we roll out this amazing project. Larry Lewis likes to talk about working with a blank canvas and creating the infrastructure as we go. He deliberately leaves room for ...
Can online marketing and blogging coexist?
Hello and welcome to this post. I hope you have been following my other post on finding your passion. If you have then this will make a lot more sense to you. It has been a journey of discovering my passion and finding a way to become very ...
Many people are now embracing blogging in greater and greater numbers. It is a great way to get your voice heard and even make a little money. The beauty of blogging is the low initial investment. That means anyone can give it a try. No one is excluded
I haven’t been doing ...
Recently the German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that people should retire later and take fewer holidays.
When you ask a majority of people ‘What day of the week do you dislike the most?’ the reply is usually ‘Monday, because I have to go back to work.’
So the question I ask myself is ...
In a previous post I introduced and discussed the importance of the Alexa Traffic Rank . Whether you value your Alexa position or not there are definite advantages to having a high ranking.
Well this morning I received a text from Neil, congratulating me at breaking out of the 200,000 level, having ...
Sometimes being the owner, writer and editor of a blog isn’t that easy. Now there is an understatement if ever I have written one. I write about healthy lifestyles because I know the subject and have a passion for helping other people. Blogging is a great way for me to share ...
A man's true life is the way in which he can put himself out there, and say it as it is. Stripped, naked, bare his soul, he is what he is. A man who doesn’t hide behind any pretence, who is happy to rant, crack a joke and let you know ...
When most people face criticism, they don’t like it. They may get embarrassed or even angry. They often will go on the offensive while others will go defensive. I don’t actually understand why they do, because I love getting criticised. Of course I like my ego being massaged, hearing praise from ...
I am in a pondering mood. I know learning is a lifelong quest. I will always be learning something new. Undoubtedly I’ll always be learning new things about myself. I’ll always be asking questions. Right now, I’m writing this as though I’m having a conversation with myself. I actually am. I’m ...
The World of Blogging has sky rocketed over the last 5 years. Recently I found these stats:
• On July 31, 2006, Technorati tracked its 50 millionth blog
• The blogosphere is doubling about once every 6 and a half months
• About 175,000 new weblogs are created each day
• There are more than ...
Welcome to my wellness blog. Here you will find a wide range of great articles all designed to help you lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Together, we can take back your health!