Healthy Lifestyle

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

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Why You Have To Change Your Unhealthy Lifestyle

Why You Have To Change Your Unhealthy Lifestyle

It should be not be obvious why you have to change your unhealthy lifestyle but so many people I talk to about their health sometimes think they lead a reasonably healthy lifestyle. Small bad habits can quickly make a normally healthy lifestyle an unhealthy one. Make sure you're incorporating the following ...
11 Lifestyle Changes To Regain Your Health

11 Lifestyle Changes To Regain Your Health

This article is particularly relevant for anyone wanting to regain your health in 2019. I really hope you had a great Christmas and I would like to wish you a healthy and happy New Year! The year ahead is a blank canvas, so it's time to start painting the New You you'd like ...
This Is Why The Healthy Lifestyle Plan Is Easier Than Any Diet Program

This Is Why The Healthy Lifestyle Plan Is Easier Than Any Diet Program

This one simple fact is why the Healthy Lifestyle Plan is easier than any diet program. It has the word that everybody dreads when it comes to losing weight built right into the very core, but it is essential to living a healthy life. The word I am referring to of ...
How To Have That Cake And Eat It Too!

How To Have That Cake And Eat It Too!

We all want to have our cake and eat it too. To be able to enjoy something we know we shouldn’t have without suffering any consequences is something all of us wouldn’t say no to. When I owned my gyms, this is how I use to describe my healthy lifestyle plan program to my gym ...
Check Out The One Thing Diet Programs Don’t Address (With The Energy Formula) And Why They Don’t Work…

Check Out The One Thing Diet Programs Don’t Address (With The Energy Formula) And Why They Don’t Work…

So today I want to address a basic floor in all diet programs. There is one thing diet programs don’t address with regards to the energy formula and why they don’t work as a long term way to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. If you’re unfamiliar with the energy formula I’m ...
Living A Healthy Lifestyle Is Within Your Reach, Starting Today

Living A Healthy Lifestyle Is Within Your Reach, Starting Today

Living a Healthy Lifestyle is within your reach, starting today, by implementing a few easy steps. You’ve heard it all before: eat your fruit and veg, avoid fatty and sugar laden foods, drink lots of water, exercise regularly. But why the fuss? What’s important about living a healthy lifestyle and why ...
8 Steps To Get Healthy, Stay Healthy For Life

8 Steps To Get Healthy, Stay Healthy For Life

As the sun rises in the morning and you step out of bed are you determined to make this the year you get healthy, stay healthy for life? Good morning from us here at healthy lifestyles. Thank you for reading today’s blog post. Many of you I am sure began this New Year ...
Set Your New Year Health Resolutions Then Plan For A Healthy Lifestyle

Set Your New Year Health Resolutions Then Plan For A Healthy Lifestyle

Do you have plans to get healthy in 2018? Committing to a healthy lifestyle, getting fit, eating healthily, or losing weight, if so New Year Health Resolutions are a powerful first step in the right direction. Every year, losing weight, eating healthy, and getting fit compete for the top spot on most ...
An Unhealthy Lifestyle Is A Choice, Just The Wrong One

An Unhealthy Lifestyle Is A Choice, Just The Wrong One

Isn’t it time you changed your unhealthy lifestyle? The clock is ticking, the countdown has begun to another New Year. Will this be the one where you eradicate your bad choices that contribute to the unhealthy lifestyle you have been living? Today I want to make it clear why this has ...
Lifestyle Changes To Help Manage COPD

Lifestyle Changes To Help Manage COPD

In a recent blog post I wrote about the benefits of eating a plant based diet for those suffering with COPD. To read this article click here. Today I want to make you aware of other lifestyle changes to help manage COPD,  because if you are someone diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary ...