The Healthy Lifestyles Living Wellness Blog with Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

The Perfect Day

The Perfect Day

Think about it, if you had the perfect day, what would you have done differently today? Do you ever actually stop to think about what you really want in life? You know taking time to reflect on what you want in life, and what you want to get out of it. I’m referring to ...
The Values Of Life

The Values Of Life

Our life is reliant on the values we live by. Your values have a deep effect on every decision you make. If your life is working, great, you must be aligned with your true core values. If your life is not working the way you wish it was, take a look ...
Staying Calm In Difficult Circumstances

Staying Calm In Difficult Circumstances

Are there times when you find yourself allowing difficult circumstances to overwhelm you. Learning how to remain calm in times of stress will help things go more smoothly enabling you to resolve them so much easier. We are all going to face tough situations in our life at some points, they simply ...
Frustrations Getting The Better Of You

Frustrations Getting The Better Of You

I couldn’t get to sleep last night. Too much going around in my head. Not a problem, I’ll make the most of it and go downstairs and write a blog. Not only will that be a great use of time but it will also help me to empty my mind and ...
Never Give Up Believing

Never Give Up Believing

Can you achieve anything you set your heart on? This article will show you that there is no doubt you can. You must never give up believing because without a vision to aim for there is nothing. Disappointment will occur in your life. Every day can bring forth more challenges. But ...
Are You Always Absolutely Knackered?

Are You Always Absolutely Knackered?

So many people I meet complain about fatigue. They don’t have the energy to do anything. They’re always feeling tired, both physically and mentally. Fatigue is the feeling of extreme tiredness or feebleness that can make it difficult for you to perform ordinary tasks. You are fatigued when you’re feeling worn out ...
12 Ways to Lift Your Mind, Body And Spirit

12 Ways to Lift Your Mind, Body And Spirit

We all live busy and sometimes chaotic lives with day to day routines that often drive us crazy, playing havoc with our life. At times the pressures upon us take their toll on both our minds and bodies, leaving us exhausted, depressed and lacking in energy. During these periods its hard for ...
Never Accept Defeat

Never Accept Defeat

Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon and evening completely captivated by the Ryder Cup. The European team produced one of the greatest comebacks on any sporting field to win the 2012 Ryder Cup. Needing to claim eight points in the concluding singles to retain the trophy, Europe won six of the ...
We Will All Meet Many Adversities In Life

We Will All Meet Many Adversities In Life

“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.” Michelangelo Buonarroti It’s virtually impossible to get through life without having to contend with adversity, difficulties, inconvenience, pain, obstacles and hardships. We are all on a journey, and it can be tough, full of ups and downs. But it’s ...
One Man and His Dog

One Man and His Dog

Over the last several weeks I've come to realize that, while I may spend 12 hours a day at work during the week, I do tend to make the most of my weekends, and I am getting myself away from all my pressing obligations and in particular I’m taking myself away from my ...