Archive for 2012

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Passion over Failure – No Contest

Passion over Failure – No Contest

Failure is something we are all going to face at some time in life. That’s just the way it is. But the word failure is so often taken the wrong way, because in truth, failing doesn’t mean anything other than you have had a setback. Nothing is permanent in life. Certainly ...
Is your passion hard to find?

Is your passion hard to find?

Is your passion hard to find? This has to be a very silly question surely? I mean everybody knows what they like right? Strangely I have a hunch that the answer to is your passion hard to find question is not quite that simple. Why? Several reasons: Your insecurities and self doubt make it ...
What Passion Means To Me

What Passion Means To Me

Being a lifestyle entrepreneur pursuing my passions, dreams and goals is hard at times. But no matter what difficulties may be faced I always feel an incredible sense of optimism, happiness and excitement. It's easy to sum up what passion means to me. It's my life! These past two weeks have been ...
Law of attraction | faith | persistence.

Law of attraction | faith | persistence.

Law of attraction | faith | persistence. Hello just to fill you in. You may have come to this blog looking for the Power Of Passion ebook and course. Unfortunately due to techincal issues we have not been able to have it ready by the stated time. We have so much happening at ...
Overcoming Hurdles

Overcoming Hurdles

So much work, so much time, it all looks so good and we can’t show a soul. Isn’t it great when you set a goal, place a deadline to it, and everything comes together and you achieve your every wish. But things don’t always work out as planned. Ok, so you've made ...
Law of attraction | Positive emotions

Law of attraction | Positive emotions

The law of attraction and your positive emotions go hand in hand. The law of attraction and your positive emotions can bring about amazing results in your life. The positive emotions of love, joy, sex, desire, faith,enthusiasm, romance,prosperity and abundance all bring about positive things in your life. When you surround yourself with these emotions ...
Are you worthy to receive?

Are you worthy to receive?

Are you worthy to receive? Hello today we are going to explore and investigate how worthy you are to receive the life you have. I have been tutoring  a young dyslexic adult and he inspired me to write this post. Our discussion last night was not about his challenges with reading and writing. The discussion was more about what ...
Join our Passion Community

Join our Passion Community

Join our Passion Community We are delighted to have you become a loyal subscriber.  It is our hope that you receive real value for the time you put into developing yourself. Time is your most precious asset and we would like to reward you with amazing resources for you to grow into ...
21 Today

21 Today

21 years ago I received one of the most precious gifts of my life, my daughter Laura Jayne. It is so difficult to believe how fast times flies by. It doesn’t feel that long ago when she was first placed in my arms minutes after her birth. My life changed the ...
Living with Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD

Living with Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD

What is Sensory Processing Disorder, or SPD? When Michaela was first diagnosed with this disorder, it was called ‘Sensory Integration Disorder’. The name has since changed, but the condition remains the same. It is the inability to sort and organize sensory signals into appropriate responses (1). This is a very frustrating ...