Enlighten the Soul

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

The Mind, Body and Soul Connection

The Mind, Body and Soul Connection

Stress is on the rise, there is no doubt about it. More and more stress-related medical problems are surfacing every single day. Doctors surgeries are crammed full with patients suffering from stress related illnesses. Financial stress, relationship stress and job stress are taking their toll on more and more people’s physical health and emotional ...
What To Do When You Can’t Sleep

What To Do When You Can’t Sleep

Did you get a good night sleep? Or did you wake up feeling exhausted and fatigued, wondering if you even slept at all?  What do you do when you can't sleep? You already know that getting a good night's sleep entails a lot more than just climbing into bed and closing ...
Stress Management Strategies

Stress Management Strategies

If your life is filled with stress, and you feel at the end of your tether both emotionally and physically, it’s time you learnt to deal with it better. There are a wide number of ways to manage and cope with stress, but they all require change. You can either change ...
When Coping With Stress Isn’t A Bad Thing

When Coping With Stress Isn’t A Bad Thing

We often talk about coping with stress as being a bad thing. But at times stress is good for us. Have you ever noticed how productive you can be when you feel a sense of urgency for yourself to get things done? Stress has certainly earned its bad reputation. Too much of ...
What Causes Anxiety

What Causes Anxiety

Panic attacks can come on unexpectedly, with little or no warning. So what causes anxiety in the first place? There are a wide variety of causes that can bring on anxiety or panic attacks, and in this article I will try to help you understand what these are. Anxiety describes feelings of ...
Make the most of the Weekend

Make the most of the Weekend

So another week comes to an end. As usual you’ve been working nonstop and you are close to the point of exhaustion. So be sensible this weekend, use the time to relax and rejuvenate yourself. You work so hard you deserve time to get away from it all. That’s exactly what Neil ...
Top 10 Stress Buster Articles from Healthy Lifestyles Living

Top 10 Stress Buster Articles from Healthy Lifestyles Living

When faced with a threat, the body's defence’s kick into the “fight-or-flight” response. The body calls upon all its forces to confront the on coming threat and protect you from harm. Its your body's defence mechanism,  resulting in the following reactions: Heartbeat increases; pumping blood to the necessary parts of the ...
The Power of Love!

The Power of Love!

YouTube Tuesday, adopted from Josh at Its Tiger Time, is a fun day set aside for sharing your favourite video. Feel free to join in each week and see how creative we bloggers can be. If you participate, remember to leave your YouTube Tuesday link at Its Tiger Time as well as ...
Symptoms of Stress

Symptoms of Stress

There are so many different symptoms of stress in the world today, and these symptoms can show in so many different ways. Until you learn to spot the symptoms of stress, you have no hope of combating stress itself, because you won’t even recognise you have it. We’re all stressed! It's ...
Relaxation Technique Six: Mental Imagery

Relaxation Technique Six: Mental Imagery

Taking visualisation  to the next stage, we move on to mental imagery. When you picture soothing mental images in your mind, your body will benefit through being physically relaxed. To make this relaxation most effective, you need to bring all the five senses into your image: touch, sight, smell, taste and ...