Archives by: Larry Lewis

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Belief is Crucial for your Success

Belief is Crucial for your Success

Are you looking to unlock your potential? Do you have a genuine desire to become successful? Well the magic to achieving anything comes from within, and is very much dependent on your self belief. The most crucial weapon you can possess in building the life of your choice is having belief. ...
Relaxation Technique for Mind and Body

Relaxation Technique for Mind and Body

We all look for ways to counter 'fight or flight'. Without necessarily being aware of it, we try to escape from the unpleasant feelings of stress and find some relaxation by going to the pub or to the gym, or chilling out in front of the TV. Other common stress relievers ...
Coaching for the Over 50’s

Coaching for the Over 50’s

One of my favourite jobs is working with the over 50’s. Although society tends to classify our ‘best’ years as our twenties to early forties I would argue that our 50’s is as good as it gets, when we are in our prime having learnt so much on our journey. All our experiences, ...
Does your body need antioxidants?

Does your body need antioxidants?

If you’re finding it difficult to concentrate you could need a boost of antioxidants. Antioxidants are naturally occurring substances in our body that help fight the oxidative damage to our cells. This damage is caused by an imbalance between the production of reactive oxygen and our body’s ability to detoxify or repair ...
I’m 50 And I’m Loving It

I’m 50 And I’m Loving It

Well here I am on a Friday morning sitting in Starbucks doing two of my favourite things. I’m blogging and drinking a cool, refreshing Mocha Cookie Crumble. I’m looking around at the others in the coffee shop, and it’s got me thinking. I’d say that a majority in here right now are ...
Delivering your Dreams

Delivering your Dreams

I have just come out of a meeting with my business partner Neil. We had a lot to go through, plans to make, problems to solve, and successes to share. No one could say that we don’t take our business seriously. Neither could they say that we don’t know exactly where ...
It’s our Choices That Matter

It’s our Choices That Matter

Challenges are part of everyone's life, but there are those tougher times when a challenge turns into a crisis. The outcome of our lives hinges on the choices we make at those moments. Will they be breakthroughs or setbacks? Are you someone who will always see the worst-case scenario in crisis situations? It ...
Do you have unfulfilled dreams?

Do you have unfulfilled dreams?

Why do so many of you fail to fulfill your life long dreams? What is blocking you from ever doing what you have dreamed of all your life? What is stopping you from achieving the things that you have dreamed of? What is it that you are unable to overcome? We all have hopes ...
Why See The Negative

Why See The Negative

I find far too many people focus more on the things they didn’t accomplish instead of feeling good about all of those they did accomplish. Do you do that? A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. The first step in changing negative thinking is to become ...
What is Milk Thistle?

What is Milk Thistle?

Milk Thistle is a flowering plant native to the Mediterranean, Africa and the Middle East, and its fruit and seeds have been used for thousands of years, for many different ailments, as a herbal remedy. Ancient Greeks and Romans would use Milk Thistle to treat things like snake bites, while it ...