Archive for 2016

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Establishing A Healthy Lifestyle Doesn’t Need To Be Hard

Establishing A Healthy Lifestyle Doesn’t Need To Be Hard

Establishing a healthy lifestyle doesn't need to be hard. One thing I have no doubts you’ve learned is that quick fixes or diets don’t work. You'll stick to them for a while but before too long you will revert back to your old ways. For you to bring about long lasting ...
Riding The Waves Of Life

Riding The Waves Of Life

We all need to have an attitude that is hopeful and with it a can-do approach to life, seeing ourselves successfully riding the waves of life. Alas many of you continuously feel sorry for yourself allowing the waves of life to knock you off course, and drowning you under their weight. ...
Andrea Bocelli, Leicester City And A Positive Outlook On Life

Andrea Bocelli, Leicester City And A Positive Outlook On Life

Two remarkable examples of the power of having a positive outlook on life united this weekend. What a magical moment seen by millions of football supporters as the legendary tenor Andrea Bocelli, wearing a Leicester shirt, sang 'Nessun Dorma' to help toast the unbelievable achievement of Leicester city winning the premiership. Bocelli ...
Take this Wellness Assessment

Take this Wellness Assessment

This Wellness Assessment will allow you to find out your level of wellness by rating each of the dimensions of wellness. As promised in my last article ‘What is Wellness’ today we are going to look at your wellness and how healthy are you? Today I’m providing you with a Wellness ...
What is Wellness?

What is Wellness?

Today I'm looking at explaining what is wellness. This is the second article in my Illness to Wellness series written to help people explore healthy ways to manage and live with their chronic pain condition and disabilities so they can enjoy more fulfilling, satisfying lives. The most popular article that I have ...
From Illness to Wellness – It’s Time To Fight Back

From Illness to Wellness – It’s Time To Fight Back

I truly believe that you can live well and thrive following the impact of a long-term chronic medical condition or serious illness/injury, but you have to implement a healthy lifestyle to move from illness to wellness. Of course initially, when it happens it can irrevocably change our life on many levels, ...
Dreams Can Come True – Thank You For The Reminder Leicester City

Dreams Can Come True – Thank You For The Reminder Leicester City

Being a fanatical football supporter, that is Soccer to my American readers, I couldn't let an event like Leicester winning the Premiership League go by without me saying something about it. There can be no better example to demonstrate dreams can come true no matter what the odds. Talking about odds, Leicester ...
Make Lifestyle Changes Stick

Make Lifestyle Changes Stick

All the best intentions in the world won’t help you enjoy a healthy life unless you can make lifestyle changes stick. One day, I took a long, hard look in the mirror. What I saw made me realize if I didn’t begin focusing on my own health, there would be no ...
8 Changes To Improve Your Health

8 Changes To Improve Your Health

Today I want to tell you about 8 changes to improve your health which although very simple will be life changing. These are helping me personally and are part of my larger plan to return to good health after a period of long term illness. My life was dramatically changed following my ...
Juggle The Demands Of Career And Personal Life

Juggle The Demands Of Career And Personal Life

I'm sure everyone of you is already well aware how difficult it is to juggle the demands of career and personal life, yet no doubts you carry on trying. For most people, they face an ongoing challenge of trying to get a balance of all the things they want or need ...