Archive for January, 2011

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Get focused on YOU!

Get focused on YOU!

I believe that change is one of the most important rights that we have as human beings. We often fear change of any kind because we are worried about it ruining things we like and habits that we have grown accustomed to. Although this might be true, letting go of old practices ...
Ask the Right Question

Ask the Right Question

Questions can change our focus in an instance ‘A genuine quality of life comes from consistent, quality questions’. ANTHONY ROBBINS – AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN The entire key to life is what you focus on. Your brain can be directed and you can direct it by the questions you ask. The most powerful way ...
Let ‘The Secret’ into your Life!

Let ‘The Secret’ into your Life!

I want to again talk about the book called ‘The Secret’. Rhonda Byrne the author introduces the book by admitting, "A year ago, my life had collapsed around me". Through searching for answers in a variety of books new and old, she began to trace what she believed was a common ...
Winter Breakfast … Fill up Before you get Moving

Winter Breakfast … Fill up Before you get Moving

I bet that as long as you can remember, your Mother told you to eat a hearty breakfast. Every diet programme, fitness and health magazine, many articles you have read have told you the same thing. Well sorry you’re about to read it again, Breakfast is the most important meal of ...
Take Charge Of Your Life By Taking Charge Of Your Thoughts

Take Charge Of Your Life By Taking Charge Of Your Thoughts

How many times have you set goals and been frustrated? What if you could create goals in a way that would move you forward faster? Do you want more success and happiness? Personal Development (also known as self-development or personal growth) is a term that ‘refers to activities that improve self-knowledge and ...
The Battle Within – The Two Wolves at War

The Battle Within – The Two Wolves at War

We do it every year. We promise that we'll eat healthier, lose those extra pounds, exercise more often. And every year we break our January resolutions. Potentially your inner voice sabotages your efforts. You know the voice I mean, the one that creeps into your mind and tells you "go ahead ...
HIIT Training – Burn Away your Body Fat

HIIT Training – Burn Away your Body Fat

So January is here and many of you will once again have turned your attention to exercising. Many of you will have purchased home use cardiovascular equipment while others will be joining a gym. Well I really hope that you can stay committed, and that you will achieve those results you ...
Steps to a New You This Year

Steps to a New You This Year

Christmas has come and gone. The New Year has arrived. Hopefully you had a wonderful time, let your hair down and had great fun, and took a well deserved break. It’s the time that we look forward to all year long knowing we will be enjoying all those extra special, mouth ...
Lead a Healthy Lifestyle if you want to Feel Better and Live Longer

Lead a Healthy Lifestyle if you want to Feel Better and Live Longer

Think of lifestyle change as an evolving process, not as something with which you can start then stop when your targets are achieved. It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that you can achieve a certain number on a scale or a certain body size and that will be ...
Nuts to Diabetes

Nuts to Diabetes

The UK is seeing an explosion of diabetes linked to growing obesity rates. Since 1996 the number of people diagnosed with diabetes has increased from 1.4 million to 2.6 million. By 2025 it is estimated that over four million people will have diabetes. Most of these cases will be Type 2 diabetes, ...