Archive for April, 2016

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Life Is Too Short To Waste

Life Is Too Short To Waste

We’re only here for a time, and life is too short to waste. If you’re not enjoying most of your ‘living moments’ right now but you’re not doing anything about it... it’s time to change before it’s too late. When I was growing up, I remember my mother saying dozens of times, ...
How To Rewrite Your Story

How To Rewrite Your Story

Everyone has a story. Your story to this point is made up of various chapters that span the course of your lifetime. Those chapters will contain good and bad days, happy and sad memories, wins and losses. The chapters are written, your story has been lived, yet there is more to come, ...
Are You Just Wandering Through Life?

Are You Just Wandering Through Life?

When you go to bed at night do you go to sleep satisfied with your day or fed up that you’re wandering through life. Too many people do that. They just wander through life, going with the flow, never having any direction about where they want their lives to go. ...
Be Inspired By Your Big Picture

Be Inspired By Your Big Picture

Everyone of you has the chance of being inspired by your big picture, alas very few give yourself this awesome personal power. It's the norm nowadays for life to be increasingly chaotic with so much going on, so many demands and others expectations of you. Yet so many mornings you struggle to ...
Living Up To Your Potential

Living Up To Your Potential

Are the things you’re doing every day ensuring that you’re living up to your potential? Someone asked me the other day why was I still so committed to helping others, to keep writing and to get back on stage as a speaker. They thought that with the way my health has ...
Bringing Structure To Your Life

Bringing Structure To Your Life

It is very easy to fall into bad habits. There can be nothing worse than getting to the end of an evening and looking back over your day and thinking how little you actually did, and worse still realising you’ve achieved nothing. When this keeps happening day after day, week in ...
The Secret To Living Each Moment In Love With Life

The Secret To Living Each Moment In Love With Life

Do you have difficulty to live fully in the present moment? If you do then you know how much of life is just passing you by. So what do you need to do? You need to take the time to completely centre on the here and now, not worrying about the ...