Archives by: Loddy Micucci

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Join our Passion Community

Join our Passion Community

Join our Passion Community We are delighted to have you become a loyal subscriber.  It is our hope that you receive real value for the time you put into developing yourself. Time is your most precious asset and we would like to reward you with amazing resources for you to grow into ...
Spirit of a leader

Spirit of a leader

The spirit of a leader post is written to remind you of what it takes to be a good leader. Most people are taught to follow and conform to being a follower. Usually it's the rebels who create problems and challenge the system that become the leaders. Why do they become leaders? The rebels take ...
Larry and Loddy | mastermind team

Larry and Loddy | mastermind team

I started talking to Larry Lewis about six months ago. It was late October of 2011. He had some brilliant ideas  on how to help people become successful on line. His blogging skills and his air of confidence really resonated with me. He came across as a loveable larrakin as we love ...
Do you want to relive the nightmare?

Do you want to relive the nightmare?

Do you want to relive the nightmare? The title of this post is designed to shock me into the realisation that by teaching dyslexic adults to revisit the nightmare of their education I am in fact making them relive it? Yet it seems that they are up for the agony of it just to improve their ...
Persist with your passion

Persist with your passion

Persist with your passion Hello Loddy here again please don't think I am a teacher basher. I know my last post was scathing towards teachers and an educational system that seems to be inflexible. I was and to a certain extent will always be a teacher.The days of defending and standing up ...
Law of attraction and Larry Lewis

Law of attraction and Larry Lewis

Law of attraction and Larry Lewis Finding the right fit  As a primary school teacher who has worked with young children I am reminded of the story of the ugly duckling as I write this story. It actually all began after school teaching started to become a chore. You know the classic burn out factor. At the ...
Another brick in the wall or discover your passion?

Another brick in the wall or discover your passion?

Hello my name is Loddy Micucci and I am a teacher and have been a teacher for more than twenty years. I can't believe I am writing this article and yet it needs to be said. I mean every word of it. I have just had one of those light bulb moments and ...
Could it be dyslexia?

Could it be dyslexia?

Could it be dyslexia? It's the start of a new school year. You have just been given a new group of kids and of course you have your  huge assortment of abilities. They are all there in their different shapes and sizes. The noisy ones, the active ones, the ready to please ones and ...
The Power Of Passion Course How will it make a difference?

The Power Of Passion Course How will it make a difference?

The Power Of Passion Course How will it make a difference? Are you there? Now you are probably wondering what all the commotion is? The Power of Passion Course is virtually ready to be launched. Just another course you say. Yes there are many courses out there all asking for your credit card ...
Is the power of passion missing in your life?

Is the power of passion missing in your life?

Is the power of passion missing in your life? Hello you, yes you, what are you passionate about? Look around and you can see a fast paced world. People scurrying from one place to another. Young kids not having a chance to have a quiet moment in the day. People working longer and having ...