Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?
Life can be full of big concerns, from bills needing to be paid, conflicts with people, deadlines at work, problems with your car, the list goes on and on... it’s how we perceive in our minds the things happening in our lives which determine how we handle them and how in ...
There are so many different symptoms of stress in the world today, and these symptoms can show in so many different ways. Until you learn to spot the symptoms of stress, you have no hope of combating stress itself, because you won’t even recognise you have it. We’re all stressed! It's ...
“Out of clutter find simplicity; From discord find harmony; In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein
Everything is made of energy and everything is vibrating with energy. There are many different things that can cause and create negative energy in your home. They can affect your physical health, your emotional ...
I want to introduce you to a way to create a calm oasis within your body and mind in the midst of today’s hectic world, where stressful events are virtually unavoidable. When stress is spiralling out of control you will benefit from learning at least one relaxation technique. This will reduce ...
A mixture of long working hours, no breaks, not enough time to think of a sandwich, much less eat it, demanding families, personal commitments and other demands thrown in at random, do nothing for your health, wellbeing, nor your work life balance.
Modern life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. ...
I received a wonderful comment left on my blog by a lady named YogaSavy who writes a blog called ‘Live Laugh Breathe’. Just a short concise comment, but one which is so powerful yet simple. She said:
‘Stress is something we create. If we just stepped back and observe it then the ...
Many would find it difficult to explain what stress is. Stress is purely a normal physiological response of the body to situations or stimulus which are perceived as 'dangerous' to the body. Stress can affect anyone at anytime in some point of life. When stress occurs regularly it cause harm toone's ...
It seems even Father Christmas isn’t safe from the consequences of stress during the festive season.
News Flash! Father Christmas (alias Santa Clause) was stopped while speeding in a Sleigh. He was given a breathalyzer test, and was found to be 4 times over the alcohol limit. He has also admitted to ...
Studies have told us that the first step in tackling stress is to become aware that it is a problem for you. The next stage is to make a plan to take control of the causes and effects of stress. Here are some practical ways to take control of stress.
Holiday – ...
We’re all stressed! Whether it’s because of the formidable challenges of the fast paced and fiercely competitive world we live in, technology, commuting, communication among team members, deadlines, the ‘inbox’, mobile phones, caretaking responsibilities, job security, the threat of terrorism, personal relationships, expectations we have of ourselves and of others— stress ...
Welcome to my wellness blog. Here you will find a wide range of great articles all designed to help you lead a healthy, balanced lifestyle. Together, we can take back your health!