Personal Development

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

Take The Quiz

Keep Putting Yourself Out There

Keep Putting Yourself Out There

Are you frightened by the thought of putting yourself or your ideas out there? Do you find it nerve-racking, spine-numbing and absolutely intimidating to get out there and tell the world about yourself and your ideas? We having a saying in the North East of England, 'Shy bairns get nowt!'. So no matter how ...
Take Some Time Out – ‘Me Time’

Take Some Time Out – ‘Me Time’

Do you want to know a secret formula for success? Are you ready to read a solution to your life’s woes? Once I give you the answer you will need to commit 8 to 10 hours a week, plus one weekend a month for the rest of your life to doing it. Ok ...
Persistence Gives You the Edge … Test Yourself

Persistence Gives You the Edge … Test Yourself

With persistence, you can achieve anything in life. When you are persistent you will put everything in to move yourself forward toward your goals even when you have no guarantee of success. What is your goal? One of my biggest driving forces is to create a location independent lifestyle. When I set ...
We Spend Way too long Reliving and Regretting the Past

We Spend Way too long Reliving and Regretting the Past

It’s unbelievable how much time you are spending looking backwards. You are angry with others because of what they did to you or perhaps it’s what they didn’t do for you. There are things you did in the past that you now regret, as well as things you didn’t do, that ...
Self-Control … Get Control of the Trigger

Self-Control … Get Control of the Trigger

Self-control, we all could use a bit more of it. Even those of us who are generally extremely positive, pretty much in control of ourselves have moments where are self-control is tested. Often my inspiration for my articles comes from the wisdom offered to me by those in my social network. Today’s ...
The Ultimate Success Formula

The Ultimate Success Formula

Imagine the life you’ve always dreamed of living, with no barriers or boundaries. Imagine a life filled with success and achievement, endless physical vitality, heartfelt personal relationships, and a deep sense of fulfilment. Envision living every day with passion, having the courage to dream of even more and the determination to make ...
3 Steps to Success – Be-Do-Have

3 Steps to Success – Be-Do-Have

“You've got to be before you can do, and do before you can have.” – Zig Ziglar The One Minute Millionaire authored by Mark Victor Hanson and Robert Allen introduced the “Be-Do-Have” principle. This is a Three-Step Success Formula for achieving your dreams. By being the person you really want to be right ...
How To Change Your Life In A Week

How To Change Your Life In A Week

When you are happy you get to enjoy life. You feel like life is worth living regardless of external success and achievement. When your life is filled with joy, you feel a deep sense of inner peace and life just seems so good. When you know your life is on track ...
Stop Being a Victim and Take Control of Your Life

Stop Being a Victim and Take Control of Your Life

Do you ever feel like the world is conspiring against you? Do you feel like sometimes everything is out of your control? Like the universe is conspiring against you? If you knew the first step to feeling more in control you’d just take it right? But you don’t even know where to begin. Worrying about ...
If you Manage Yourself Properly, you will Rise to Your True Potential

If you Manage Yourself Properly, you will Rise to Your True Potential

It’s been my goal in the last 18 months to create an online business and to eventually enjoy a location independent lifestyle. I will forever continue blogging, particularly about personal development, but I want to be able to do this from where ever in the world I wish to be. Right ...