What matters to you?

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What matters to you?

I’d like you to ponder the question, what matters to you? This question is simple but often finding your answer is extremely challenging. Yet taking the time to answer this question will provide invaluable insight about your life purpose, values, and true authentic self. These three things will energise your life when you connect to them.

“It’s not enough to be busy; so are the ants. The question is: what are we busy about?” Henry David Thoreau

You’re considering what it is that is most important to you in life, what you are pursuing or frequently what it is you’d love to pursue, what it is you want to strive for in your lifetime. Are you seeking power, money, influence, spirituality, contribution, music, soul, truth, influence, awareness, charity, wisdom, charisma? Do you wish to educate, contribute, inspire, love,  dance, sing, create or influence? What areas truly matter to you? Career, Relationships, Family, Spirituality, Health, Self Development or some other area of importance to you.

We often talk about our priorities in life. But how many of us have ever stopped to really think about which things are most important to us, let alone how much time we spend on our priorities compared to less important things?

Since the loss of most of the vision in my right eye I have been taking inventory on what really matters in my world. What I’ve come to realise is that during times of transition, it’s so important to take a deep breathe, then take inventory before taking your next step. It lays the foundation to make sure you get things right. So you need to contemplate the question  “What Matters to Me.”

Sometimes we get so caught up in the need for “more and better” seeking money and power above anything else, that we forget all the things that could make our lives great – which doesn’t necessarily mean a larger bank balance but will create a far more fulfilled life.

Your true calling in life requires deep introspection. What one thing matter more than any other?

To me the first thing that will always come to mind is my family, in particular my 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren. They are my world and bring my joy. But I need to go deeper than this because they may be my creation, but I not only want them to see me as a great dad or granddad but also someone that contributed something to be proud of in his life time.

So I know I want to leave a positive impact on the world, in a way that makes the most of the talents and opportunities I’ve been given. To leave the people with whom I’ve interacted to be better off for having known me, helping them in whatever way that I reasonably can. I want to add value to society.

Research tells us that 97 percent of people are living their life by default and not by design. They don’t know where their life is headed, and don’t have a plan for what they want to accomplish in life. With the events that have shaped my life I just knew I could help people find the answer. Hence I have focused much of my time developing products based on my life story that can help others change their lives so much for the better.

I use my purpose and life plan to make decisions about the projects and tasks that I say yes to.  If a project or task is not aligned with my purpose, a good fit with my life plan, I say no it. My priorities are certain to me. The only way that you are going to find the time for the things that really matter is to say “no” to the things that don’t.

It’s about spending your time on the things that matter most to you before it is too late. Think about what you want most out of life. What were you created for? What is your mission in life? What is your passion? You were put on this earth for a reason, and knowing that reason will help you determine your priorities and how you will have a positive impact on the world

To find the answer to what matters to you, think in terms of who you are, the lessons and insights that have shaped your perspectives, and the events that have swayed you. How would you want to use these things in a way that will really matter to you.

To create a life focused on what really matters to you, you just have to dig deep into your subconscious and keep asking yourself the question “What matters most to you?” I know there are hundreds of articles showing you elaborate steps of how to find the answer, lots of different questions you can ask, but i believe whole hardly that you just have to ask yourself this one question.

Answers will begin coming to you. Keep thinking, pondering and reflecting. You may create a list of things to do. That’s fine because then all you need to do is prioritise them. Just make sure you take the time to reflect on the question “what matters to you?”

photo credit: Author Unknown A little step may be the beginning of a great journey via photopin (license)

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About the author: Larry Lewis
My name is Larry Lewis, Health & Wellness Life Coach, Founder of Healthy Lifestyles Living, contributor to the Huffington Post, recently featured in the Sunday Mail Newspaper and somebody who went from being an owner of a chain of gyms and fitness fanatic, to a visually impaired overweight and incredibly sick person. Read about my illness to wellness story.