Well this weekend I had the misfortune of watching my football team losing to one of their greatest rivals. Even worse our best player from last season, now playing for them, scored against us in about three minutes.
Like millions of others, there I was sitting at home on my couch watching the game played out live on my television screen. And like so many others I was shouting at the TV telling the players what to do, demanding the manager made changes, and recommended the referee brought himself a pair of spectacles immediately.
How many of you perform this role as a professional armchair critic when your team is playing?
It really is way too easy for us to complain and criticize when we sit on the sidelines being a spectator.
How different would things be if you actually got into the game?
This is a lesson we all need to learn for our own lives. There’s no point staying on the sidelines and never putting yourself out there.
If you want to share your skills and your passion with the world then you have to be willing to put yourself and your work in front of people. You get nothing from keeping yourself a secret.
Putting yourself out there is a bold move as there is always a chance you will fail. And we all know how many of us back away from our fear of failure. But for me my strength comes from my belief in myself and what I do, and I have a resolute vision that my ideas will work.
I also know that I am the only one who can choose to take risks, and go for building the life I want. I don’t want to do nothing, play it safe, and end up unfulfilled.
One thing I know is we only get rewarded for the bold choices we make. To achieve success in life, we have to take a chance on what we believe in. If taking risks is our only route for assured success, then it really isn’t a risk at all.
This is the challenge we each wake up to every day. To take massive action or just sit back and let life develop without our grabbing hold of it and moulding it to be the way we want.
It’s a challenge for sure, but one I try to live up to and I beseech you my reader to do the same.
When you seek out new opportunities, new challenges, or new growth in any area of your life, vulnerability follows. You are leaving yourself open to failure, ridicule, and disappointment. But the alternative is to be unsatisfied, never to have tried, to never put yourself out there and show who you really are, and what you’re capable of doing. I know which alternative I think is unacceptable. So bring on success, or failure, because at least I’ll have given it my best shot. And in truth failure would only be a temporary setback, because nothing will ever hold me back for ever.
I realised that I’d be a winner the minute I decided to no longer sit on the sidelines and got myself in the game. This freed my passions to demonstrate to the world exactly what I was all about self and created the ability to build the life I really wanted.
To me, it’s my responsibility, right, and privilege to put myself out there, follow my passions, and make the difference.
So far, it’s been so good. Now All The Missing Pieces is my way of saying, this is what I’ve done, this is what it can do for you. It’s bold, but it’s brilliant. I know it is going to be a huge success, but there is always that chance that it could all go wrong. But that couldn’t stop me from putting it out there. And I know time will show I am right, and many others will be thankful that we showed the bravery and went for it.
You have the opportunity of doing exactly the same. Put yourself out there, and back yourself to win. Develop a product, even a service that you truly believe in, and offer it to the world.
I’ll always say it, life is a game . Those who win are those who play. Either play the game, or sit on the side-lines, it’s your choice. But if you decide to be a spectator, don’t complain you never get what you want.
You are the only one who can choose to take a risk and go for building a life that you want. No one will take the risk for you.
Take the risk to create something of meaning.
Don’t have any regrets!
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