Get your Tits out for the Boys

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Get your Tits out for the Boys


It seems that boobs fascinate most men. Whether they are big or small, boobs will attract attention . You hear men frequently discussing the virtues of boobs, using all sorts of endearing words such as Boobies, Titties, Breasts, Jugs, Puppies, Tits, and I’m sure many others too.

How strange it is then that boobs not only feature in most men’s dreams, but also in their nightmares. It’s every man’s worst nightmare: man boobs.

Have a watch of this hilarious clip from Seinfeld, “The Mansierre,” in which Kramer developed a bra for guys who were suffering from overdeveloped breasts.

Personally as a guy I have no desire to wear a bra. Now I know this is personal choice, and if that’s your thing, I don’t have a problem. If on the other hand, you have man boobs, and want a better solution, read on.

There are two main causes for men growing man boobs:

1. A medical condition called Gynecomastia. This is a hormonal imbalance where the body increases the production of Estrogen and decreases the production of Testosterone. It can be the result of side effects from taking medications which throw off your hormone balance. In this case medical advice should be sought.

2. Men who are over weight and don’t get enough exercise grow fatty tissue covering the pectoral muscle and this can resemble a women’s breast. This can be changed by taking control of your diet and eating the right foods; as well as performing the proper exercises.

In order to remove fat deposits from your body, you have to perform a cardio and strength-training workout program. You must create a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. This means either increasing the number of calories you expend through exercise or reducing the number of calories you take in by changing your diet. If you are smart, you will do both.

I will deal with this second cause in this article. So it’s simple. You have a choice, get to be the guy with rock hard pecks, or be more the guy whose got as big a breasts as his lady. I know it is no laughing matter. It is actually a serious subject. Men with man boobs are often extremely embarrassed, suffering with low self esteem. Well I promise you, this no longer has to be you. For most people, it’s a matter of getting their diet and their exercise under control.

Following a healthy diet, something like the Gi diet would be a great starting point. The Glycemic Index Diet is a healthy nutrition plan you can easily follow for life. It balances unrefined complex carbohydrates with lean protein and healthy fat to help you stabilize blood sugars and increase energy while losing weight. Feel fuller longer and avoid those nasty sugar “highs” and “lows.” The GI is all about eating the right carbohydrates – ones that slowly release sugar into your system rather than ones that give you a sugar rush and raise your insulin levels.

For now I’m going to give you some healthy eating tips to help you get rid of those man boobs.

Firstly, you have to eat foods that stimulate testosterone production:

  • Oysters, Green Leafy Vegetables, Salmon, Red and Orange fruits, Wild Game or Goose, Turkey and Duck Meat are specific foods which boost your testosterone levels
  • Foods rich in zinc increase your testosterone level. In general meat is the best source of zinc for the human body because it can be more easily absorbed.
  • Green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage or kale helps the body turn off the bad estrogen production and increase the good estrogen production. The good estrogen is used by the male body to create testosterone.

Secondly you should also avoid eating the foods that inhibit testosterone production:

  • Sugary, fried or fatty foods should be avoided because the strain the adrenal glands.
  • Drinking lots of coffee or caffeine containing beverages also exhausts the adrenal glands reducing the production of testosterone.

As well as eating the right foods, it is important to start burning off your excess fat. Cardiovascular exercise will enable you to burn a considerable amount of calories over a set period of time, helping you to achieve the caloric deficit that is necessary for fat loss.

Interval training is your best option because it will kick your metabolism into high gear. This intense form of exercise will help you to expend a great deal of calories — even after you are finished working out — in order to repair and rebuild the muscle tissues that have been damaged.

Whereas as conventional cardio involves steady and continuous effort, interval training alternates periods of effort and rest. When performed correctly, this form of exercise triggers the release of your body’s natural fat burning hormone HGH as well as boosting your metabolism for hours after your workout.

Your interval training session should be done for about 20 to 25 minutes, during which time you work out at a ratio of 1:3 in regards to hard vs. easy. Ideally, aim for 20 to 30 seconds of hard training and 1 to 2 minutes of easy cardio, and repeat this ratio 8 to 15 times. You can do this with running, cycling, rowing, stepper or any other piece of fitness equipment you may have stored away at home. If the sun is out, you can do walking-running in the park.

Interval training is flexible enough to fit anybody’s circumstances and is ideal for busy schedules. Why spend hours slogging away on the treadmill when you can get a far more efficient and satisfying hit doing interval training in less than half the time?

For a newbie, or returnee to exercise make sure you take it easy when starting out. Really easy. Know your limits and if you are seriously out of condition make sure you consult your doctor before you start. (a health warning I’m legally responsible to put).

A few tips to help you on your way:

  • Create a workout timetable and stick to it.
  • Interval train no more than 3 times a week and never two days in a row.
  • Warm up properly before sessions. Do this by performing your exercise at a slow to medium speed for two or three minutes.

That’s only half the story when it comes to exercise. By combining interval training with strength training you will get even better results, and be able to say good bye to man boobs and hello to good looking manly pecks.

While you can get fantastic results from interval training alone, you should ideally perform 20-30 minutes of strength training three days a week.

Strength training exercises will not burn a great deal of calories while you are performing them, but they will help to increase your lean muscle mass, which is responsible for determining how many calories you burn on a daily basis. Weight training will also promote the development of strong and shapely chest muscles, boost your testosterone levels, so when the fat does come off, you are going to look significantly more attractive.

When it comes to strength training, and burning fat and creating good muscle tone my recommendation is to do Circuit training. This is one of the best ways to improve your overall conditioning. Strength, muscular endurance and cardiovascular health are all benefited greatly by circuit training.

Circuit training involves doing one set of a given exercise and, after little or no rest, moving on to another movement for a different body part, which keeps your heart rate elevated. Continue this one set per exercise format until you complete multiple sets for at least one exercise per body part, then begin the circuit again. That is, you’ll perform one set of an exercise and then move immediately to the next exercise, with just 30 seconds of rest. Follow the order of the exercises I’m about to provide to you.

By alternating between body parts, you’ll keep your body in constant work mode and be able to perform the movements back-to-back without rest. Here’s why circuit training works so well. You’ll save time because you’ll cut the amount of rest you need when you alternate muscle groups.

In the first 2 weeks of the program, do the circuit once. Move from exercise to exercise with no more than 30 seconds of rest in between. In week 3-4 perform two circuits. When you complete one circuit, rest for 1 to 2 minutes, then complete the second circuit. After the first 4 weeks, when you’ve become comfortable doing two complete circuits during a workout, increase your workload to three circuits per workout. When your fitness levels improve, change from performing each exercise for 30 seconds to one minute.

Circuit training can be completed 3 times per week. At least 48 hours should be left between sessions that work the same muscle groups.

Now let me give you a programme I use in my gym, which you can do in the comfort of your own home. There is no equipment necessary so you have no excuse not to start right now.

The Body Weight Circuit

Jumping Squats – 30 seconds

Stand upright with feet outside shoulder width and arms at your sides. Squat down quickly and pull your arms back to set yourself for jump. Pull your arms forward and upwards as you explode out of the squat, jumping upwards as high as possible. As you land, go into soft bent knee position and immediately lower yourself back into full squat.

Push ups – 30 seconds

Start by lying face down on the floor with your legs fully extended, feet flexed and positioned on the balls of the feet, and hands placed palm-down just outside the shoulders. Elbows can be placed alongside the body for emphasizing the shoulders, or pressed out away from the body to emphasize the chest. Keep your back and butt in a straight line with your shoulders and heels, push yourself up so that your body is supported on hands and toes only. At the top of the movement, your elbows should be locked out or nearly so. Bend the elbows and lower your chest to the ground. Only your hands, toes and chest should ever touch the ground. Press yourself back up into the top position. Keep your shoulders, back, butt, knees and heels in a straight line like a plank of wood.

Lunge – 30 seconds

Position body with one leg forward, front knee directly over ankle, and knees slightly bent. Keep back heel up and toes pointed forward. Stand in good body alignment (abs tight, chest up, back straight). In a controlled motion, lower body by bending knee and hip, keeping back straight and maintaining good body alignment. Keeping forward foot flat, continue lowering body just before back knee touches the floor without compromising form (back straight, abs tight, chest up). Reverse sides.

Crunch – 30 seconds

Lie flat on the floor faceup with your arms across your chest. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle with your feet flat on the floor. At a slow controlled pace curl your torso forwards raising your head and shoulder blades of the floor, by contracting your stomach muscles, pressing the small of your back to the ground, and using your stomach muscles to pull the torso upward in a curling motion.. Hold your position for a slow count of two, then slowly lower yourself back down to the floor. Make sure your arms don’t lift off your chest as you raise up, because that means you’re cheating with your back muscles. To keep the pressure on, don’t spend more than a second in the “down” position; the longer your shoulder blades are off the floor, the more work your abs must do. Repeat

Burpees – 30 seconds

Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you. Kick your feet back to a pushup position. Immediately return your feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible from the squat position. Repeat, moving as fast as possible. You should maintain a fast pace for this exercise. Strive for maximum height with each jump.

Bench Dips – 30 seconds

Position your hands shoulder width apart on a secured platform, you can use your stairs. Move your feet out as far out in front of you as possible. Straighten out your arms and keep a little bend in your elbows in order to always keep tension on your triceps and off your elbow joints. Slowly lower your upper body down towards the floor and keep your elbows tucked into your sides. Once you reach the bottom of the movement, slowly press off with your hands and push yourself back up to the starting position with your triceps.

Squat Thrusts – 30 seconds

Start in a standing position and bend your knees and place your hands on the ground. Drop to a crouch. Extend your legs back so that you’re on your toes in the press up position. Jump to pull your legs back in towards chest and stand back up. This should be a continuous motion and be fluid.

Back Extension (Superman) – – 30 seconds

Lie down on abs and reach arms overhead (like superman). Squeeze together (retract) shoulder blades. In a controlled motion, lift chest, “peeling” upper body off the floor until spine is comfortably hyperextended. Avoid hyperextending the neck. Maintaining controlled motion, return to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition. Lie down on abs and reach arms overhead (like superman). Squeeze together (retract) shoulder blades. In a controlled motion, lift chest, “peeling” upper body off the floor until spine is comfortably hyperextended. Avoid hyperextending the neck. Maintaining controlled motion, return to starting position. Do not allow muscles to relax before next repetition. (Raising the legs or alternating opposite arm and opposite leg may increase difficulty of the exercise).

Eating healthily and combining interval training and strength training will both burn fat and increase your testosterone levels. If you really do want to do everything possible to try and get rid of your man breasts then there’s really no excuse for not giving this stuff a try.

Get started today! Before you know it, you’ll be able to strip of your t-shirt and flash that great body. Otherwise go buy a Mansierre if that’s your thing.

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About the author: Larry Lewis
My name is Larry Lewis, Health & Wellness Life Coach, Founder of Healthy Lifestyles Living, contributor to the Huffington Post, recently featured in the Sunday Mail Newspaper and somebody who went from being an owner of a chain of gyms and fitness fanatic, to a visually impaired overweight and incredibly sick person. Read about my illness to wellness story.
  1. baldychaz says:

    Thank god i dont have man boobs. That sounds like far to much hard work mate!

  2. Mary says:

    Okay guys, stay away from my cookies! Surely, don’t want you to have to go through this:)

  3. Fernando-Alejandro says:

    My boobs say no! But will try some thanks L L cool


  4. This is scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Larry…I do hope that I don’t have to face a situation like this in my life..

  5. Bongo says:

    Seen many a man with boobs….not to appealing LOL…..I can’t believe I just read this ..Grrrrrrr…as always…XOXOXO

  6. Sweepy Jean says:

    Thanks for this health info, Larry. I like the descriptions of the exercises. What is interesting to me is that men can show their naked boobs anywhere and everywhere, but we women have to cover ours up. One is obscene and the other is not? Or they both are? Or they’re both not Hmmm… 🙂

  7. Gary says:

    I for one would not want to have those man boobs. It’s like every man has no idea they’d be getting one in the future. I should start exercising and living a healthy lifestyle. LOL

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