Posts Tagged: relaxation technique

Is Your Current Lifestyle Making You Ill?

Are your daily lifestyle choices setting you up for illness in later life, or even worse are they impacting your life right now? Take our quiz today and find out! 15 Questions, 70 points, what's your health score?

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Relaxation Technique for Mind and Body

Relaxation Technique for Mind and Body

We all look for ways to counter 'fight or flight'. Without necessarily being aware of it, we try to escape from the unpleasant feelings of stress and find some relaxation by going to the pub or to the gym, or chilling out in front of the TV. Other common stress relievers ...
Relaxation Technique Six: Mental Imagery

Relaxation Technique Six: Mental Imagery

Taking visualisation  to the next stage, we move on to mental imagery. When you picture soothing mental images in your mind, your body will benefit through being physically relaxed. To make this relaxation most effective, you need to bring all the five senses into your image: touch, sight, smell, taste and ...
Relaxation Technique Five: Get into Centre

Relaxation Technique Five: Get into Centre

Modern life struggles challenge our centre every day. Losing our centre can create an inability to manage stress successfully. This technique will enable you to tap into the power that’s inside you. I refer to this as “the centre”. This power within you can dramatically change anything in your life - literally ...
Relaxation Technique Four: Visualisation

Relaxation Technique Four: Visualisation

Visualisation is a technique where you use your imagination to deliberately create a picture or movie in your mind of your own making. Rather like painting a picture, you have complete control to create any image that you desire. Visualisation is a way of using your mind to get what you want ...
Relaxation Technique Three: Meditation

Relaxation Technique Three: Meditation

This is the third Relaxation technique in this series of articles. If you have missed the others, they were: Deep Breathing Progressive Muscular Relaxation With the way our modern lifestyle is, maybe it is no surprise that we are often stressed out. Getting stuck in heavy traffic, crowded shopping centres (particularly during ...
Relaxation Technique Two: Progressive Muscular Relaxation

Relaxation Technique Two: Progressive Muscular Relaxation

This is article two on Relaxation techniques. The first offered you the technique for Deep Breathing.  If you want to get yourself into a supportive mental state, feel physically vibrant and totally alive, then you need to be using relaxation techniques. By using them, you will create for yourself a physical ...
8 Relaxation Techniques That You Can Use Daily

8 Relaxation Techniques That You Can Use Daily

In our constantly moving environment, our bodies and minds are suffering from wear and tear. We call this stress. When we are facing family problems, money problems, relationship problems, problems at work, and any other trials and tribulations that life throws at us, stress comes at us from all sides.  We ...
How to Relax Your Mind & Body while Blogging

How to Relax Your Mind & Body while Blogging

I want to introduce you to a way to create a calm oasis within your body and mind in the midst of today’s hectic world, where stressful events are virtually unavoidable. When stress is spiralling out of control you will benefit from learning at least one relaxation technique. This will reduce ...